We Deliver:

  • Business support and client interactions in 100 countries on six continents
  • Extensive experience in supporting virtually all markets and industries
  • Continuous integration of academic frameworks and real-world situations
  • Twenty year record of providing support to clients
  • Hundreds of client assignments completed

Global Clients Served

  • Australia Australia
  • Belgium Belgium
  • Canada Canada
  • Denmark Denmark
  • France France
  • Germany Germany
  • The Netherlands The Netherlands
  • India India
  • Italy Italy
  • Japan Japan
  • Kuwait Kuwait
  • Mexico Mexico
  • Russia Russia
  • Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
  • Scotland Scotland
  • Switzerland Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • Venezuela Venezuela

Client engagements demonstrating the range
and content of our work for you

  • Cultural assessments
  • Learning program audits and assessments
  • Integration review assessments
  • Career review assessments
  • Compensation reward analyses
  • Organizational structure and culture transformations
  • Competitive analyses
  • Transient versus sustainable competitive advantage
  • Strategic plan writing and editing
  • Mentoring skills teaching
  • Coaching the coaches training
  • Leadership development for first-time managers
  • Advanced leadership development for experienced managers
  • Executive leadership development
  • Governance reviews for boards of directors
  • Excellence reviews for CEOs
  • Diversity and inclusion process evaluations and programs
  • Accelerating the executive readiness of talented women managers
  • Workshops to enhance the effectiveness of CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CHROs
  • Workshops examining oligopoly impacts
  • Workshops – effective teamwork versus group work
  • Workshops – succession plan action plans
  • Understanding millennials
  • Understanding longer perspectives of global cultures
  • Business accountability for program and project leaders
  • Business accountability for functional leaders
  • Examinations of executive decision styles, and consequences
  • Retreats for enhanced leadership communications and effectiveness
  • Understanding excellence models
  • Understanding the implications of organizational culture
  • Understanding change leadership
  • Transformation of and by information technology
  • Understanding millennials and mentoring for the millennial generation
  • Unlocking the full potential of the millennial generation
  • Leadership strategies: change is the core to sustain success and to right the ship
  • Appreciating and changing your organization’s culture
  • The myths and realities of transformational leadership
  • What it means to conduct global business
  • What it means to conduct business in the US
  • Rising leaders – key challenges for tomorrow’s CEOs

Focus on Executive Leadership Development – the 4 Keys

Key 1

Effective ELD is addressed to executives who are quite experienced and proficient in some aspects of leadership, but who need key behavioral adjustments.

Key 2

Such ELD adjustments include the express integration of excellence models; the perspective of global/external frames of reference; the elevation of diversity, culture and change and the mandate to understand strategy, planning, analyses and executive teamwork

Key 3

ELD is maximally open, but minimally documented, which reinforces the absolutely key characteristic of high impact, notably trust

Key 4

Practitioners of ELD are catalysts, mixing experiences, skills and communication attributes extending to presenting, listening, delivering tough messages and otherwise bringing both other industry and academic expertise

When you seek better future leadership performance, look to us.